Language and memory loss, diminished judgment, and other cognitive issues due to Alzheimer’s may affect the treatment of other diseases. The person suffering from Alzheimer’s may not be able:
- Inform the person that he or she is feeling pain.
- Describe symptoms that may be associated with another illness.
- Use a treatment plan that has been prescribed.
- Explain medication side effects
In the course of progressing Alzheimer’s towards its end-of-life stage the brain’s changes start to impact physical functions like the ability to swallow, balance bladder and bowel control. The effects of these changes can make you more vulnerable to health problems that are not as severe as:
- Inhaling liquids or food into the lung (aspiration)
- Pneumonia, flu and other infections
- Falls
- Fractures
- Bedsores
- Dehydration or malnutrition
- Diarrhea, constipation, or constipation
- Dental issues, such as oral sores, tooth decay or mouth sores
Alzheimer’s disease isn’t an incurable disease. However, many the risk factors associated with living a healthy lifestyle for Alzheimer’s disease can be reduced. Evidence suggests that changes to eating habits, exercise, and diet that reduce the risk of heart disease — can reduce your chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease as well as other conditions that lead to dementia. Lifestyle choices that promote heart health and lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease include:
- Exercising regularly
- A diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as healthy oils and food with a low amount of saturated fat, like the Mediterranean diet
- Utilizing treatment guidelines to manage diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol
- ASKING your doctor for advice to stop smoking if you use cigarettes
Studies have proven that the preservation of thinking abilities later in life and a decreased chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease are connected to participation in social gatherings including reading, dancing taking part in board game games, making artwork, playing instruments as well as other activities that require social and mental involvement.