The causes of Alzheimer’s aren’t yet fully known. However, at the simplest level brain proteins cease to perform normally, which interrupts the brain’s neurons (neurons) and creates a chain of harmful events. Neurons become damaged, they lose connection to one another and then cease to function and die.
Scientists believe that , for the majority of people dementia is caused due to a mix of lifestyle, genetic as well as environmental influences that impact the brain as time passes.
About 1percent in the majority of cases, it can be caused by genetic mutations that almost ensure that a person will be affected by the condition. Rarely, these events lead to the onset of the disease at the middle of old age.
The most common damage occurs within the part of the brain responsible for memory, however the process can begin long before symptoms begin to manifest. Loss of neuron extends in a pattern that is predictable across other areas of the brain. In the final stage of the disease the brain’s size has decreased substantially.
Researchers who are trying to determine the causes of Alzheimer’s disease have their sights on two proteins:
- Plaques. Beta-amyloid is a part of a larger protein. When these fragments cluster and are surrounded by other fragments, they can cause harm to neurons, and also disrupt cell-to-cell communication. The clusters create amyloid plaques, which are larger in size and also contain other cell debris.
- Tangles. Tau proteins play part in the neuron’s support and transport system, which helps transport vital nutrients as well as other substances. With Alzheimer’s, the tau protein alter shape and then form forms known as neurofibrillary. These tangles can disrupt the system of transport and are harmful to cells.