Alzheimer’s disease – Symptoms and causes


The loss of memory is the primary sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Initial signs include difficulties recalling recent conversations or events. As the illness progresses, memory problems become more severe and additional symptoms appear.

At first, someone who has Alzheimer’s disease may initially feel that they have difficulty remembering things or organizing their thoughts. A friend or family member could be more likely be aware of how symptoms are getting worse.

The changes in the brain that are that are caused by Alzheimer’s disease contribute to a growing concern with:


Everyone experiences occasional memory loss however, the loss of memory that is caused by Alzheimer’s disease lasts and gets worse, impacting the ability to perform at work or at home.

Alzheimer’s patients could:

  • Repetition of statements and questions repeatedly
  • Don’t think about appointments, conversations or even events, and don’t be able to
  • Frequently misplace items, frequently placing them in unlogical places
  • Get lost in familiar places
  • Then, you’ll lose the family names, as well as everyday objects
  • Find it difficult to find the appropriate words to describe objects, express your thoughts or participate in conversations

Thinking and reasoning

Alzheimer’s disease can cause difficulty in concentrating and thinking, particularly around abstract concepts like numbers.

Multitasking is particularly difficult and it can be difficult to control budgets, balance checkbooks, and make payments in time. In the end, someone who has Alzheimer’s may be unable to comprehend and manage numbers.

Making judgements and making decisions

Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the ability to make sensible choices and judgements in daily situations. For instance, someone could make poor or bizarre decisions when it comes to social interactions, or dress in clothes not appropriate for the climate. It could be more difficult to deal with situations that are commonplace, like cooking on the stove or unexpected driving circumstances.

Making plans and completing tasks that are familiar

Routine tasks that require a series of steps, like making and cooking meals or playing a favourite game can become difficult as the process of advancing the disease. In the end, those with advanced Alzheimer’s may fail to remember how to do simple tasks like washing and dressing.

Changes in behavior and personality

The changes in the brain that happen during Alzheimer’s disease may affect the way we feel and behave. The causes of this can include:

  • Depression
  • Apathy
  • Social withdrawal
  • The mood swings
  • Don’t trust other people
  • Aggressiveness and irritability
  • Changes in sleep habits
  • Wandering
  • Loss of inhibitions
  • Delusions, such as the belief that someone has stolen something

Preserved skills

A variety of important abilities are retained over longer periods of time, even when the symptoms are getting worse. Skills that are preserved include listening to or reading novels, sharing stories, recalling memories or singing and dancing to music and drawing or performing craft projects.

The ability to use these skills could be retained longer due to the fact that the brain controls them. regions of the brain affected during the course of disease.

When is the best time to visit a doctor?

Certain diseases, such as those that can be treated that can cause the loss of memory or other symptoms. If you’re concerned about your memory, or any other thinking abilities, speak to your doctor for an in-depth evaluation and diagnosis.

If you’re worried about the thinking abilities you see in your family member or acquaintance, discuss your concerns and inquire about attending the doctor’s office.